Vantage Sensitivity: A Compass for HSPs
I found out I had the HSP Trait about 3 years ago now and learning I had it was like finding a long lost treasure. Like finding the last puzzle piece to a 500,000 piece puzzle that I’d been working…
My Journey with Chronic Illness as an HSP
Sometimes it takes all I have just to get out of bed. That’s how it is when my illnesses are flaring. I am an HSP who suffers from chronic illness. It was a struggle that took all of my energy.…
Seeing Beneath the Surface
HSP’s are quirky people. We color outside of the lines when it comes to meeting stereotypes and expectations. The difference is because we look beneath the surface and react accordingly. For the Highly Sensitive, awareness is a whole different ball…
An HSP on Planet Earth
The edge has always been the most comfortable place for me to be. The edge of room, the edge of herd, the edge of my mind, the edge where the earth meets the sea. They describe us HSP’s like birds…
A Highly Sensitive on Taking Pills and Pill Shaming
I’ve been mentally ill since I was a kid. I can remember it clearly. My belief is it started when I was 4 years old. My family picked up and moved to the country and we lived in tents while…
A Magical Elixir for an HSP
Noisy people. Noisy places. Clutter. Messy minds. My messy mind. In a mostly extroverted, non-HSP world these are the things I try to mitigate on a moment-to-moment basis and it used to be easy for me to fall into the…
HSPs and Sense Sensitivities
The touch sensitivity. This one is really tough to live with. You are constantly feeling things. Clothes that are itchy. Tags on clothes. Textures of food. Seams on socks. Short sleeve shirts. Those are a few of the things that…
Work, Stress, and the Highly Sensitive Person
Are you currently struggling with too much stress at work? Take a few moments to think about all the jobs you have held in the past ten or twenty years. What have been your greatest challenges in all of your…
Highly Sensitives, a Mental Health Diagnosis, Curiosity and Wholistic Healing
Is it PTSD? Or Anxiety? Or Depression? Or could the depression and anxiety be a by-product of the PTSD? These are the questions I’ve been asking myself as I’m learning more about how my HSP Trait works for me and…
What Is a Highly Sensitive Person?
A Highly Sensitive Person or HSP, is someone who experiences life on a deeper level. We feel things intensely and can become overwhelmed easily. Our nervous systems are wired differently, more developed than most and the way we react to…