The Ingredients of Our Relationships
When I ask my wife if there is any sugar in a store brand of peanut butter she had recently bought, she replies, “What do the ingredients say?” As an HSP, by nature I’m inclined to watch the ingredients in…
Temperature Changes and a Highly Sensitive Person
It’s cold in here. That bothers me like nothing other. I can’t function when it’s cold, a challenge this gift of sensitivity has ever so thoughtfully bestowed upon me. Everywhere I go it’s cold — the restaurant down the road,…
How HSPs Can Use Courage and Creative Self-Expression to Invite Connection
Life’s ups and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want. – Marsha Sinetra Lately, I’ve been having a great time discussing courage,…
Dealing With the Energy of Our Regrets
Dealing with the energy of our regrets is similar to trying to swim through a riptide. Approached head on they can exhaust us, however if we move ourselves parallel to them and then swim alongside them, their energy dissipates over…
Framing the Right Picture: Recognizing & Refocusing the HSP Self
I am playing poker with my eleven-year-old son. It’s a snow day, and since I work at a local community college, we’re both home from school. There is play money spread out on my grandmother’s table, plastic coins that clink…
The Friction Point in Productivity
If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. – Gospel of Thomas This quote…
Sensitivity in the Workplace: Being Kind to Yourself in Unkind Places
My first encounter with the work of Elaine Aron came in 1998 when I read her first HSP book, some 7 years since completing my PhD. Indeed the book totally resonated with me, leaving me wondering why I had chosen…
The Gifts of Vulnerability
Like many highly sensitive people, I am creative. I like to draw and sketch, and I like to make things with my hands. I’m an artist. But until recently I would have never called myself that. “Who do you think…
Why Highly Sensitives Can Feel Okay About Being Misunderstood
A few moments pass as I watch and wait as my friend looks at the picture. We’re sitting side by side and I’ve just handed them a picture I created. They’re staring at it in their hands, giving it their…