Energy Accounting and Our Relationships
f&ck yes, or no thank you – the litmus test for ALL relationships clutter, not a word necessarily associated with the people in our lives but maybe it should be clutter (for me) is anything that takes up more space…
Reframing Boundaries the HSP Way
It is so often said that Highly Sensitive People struggle to maintain boundaries. But why? I remember Rose’s words as we made our way through the streets of Seville. An outgoing HSP, Rose’s sense of adventure and uncanny ability to…
A Question of Who We Are
It’s not about what we are but instead, who we are. “Who are you?” our meditation teacher asks us at the start of class. His question takes me by surprise and I remain silent. Taking note of the silence in the room, he taps…
The Empathic Nature of Our Boundaries
“I think I give too much,” Val comments to me as we start an early morning long run up the Albany rail trail as part of our marathon training. “I put a lot more energy into my relationships than I…