The HSP World Podcast Ep. 7: How Can Highly Sensitive People Manage Their Energy?
The HSP World Podcast is available in iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, and Spotify! Thomas: Hi and welcome to the HSP world podcast. With each episode, we invite a guest with the HSP Trait to have a conversation about a burning…
How Highly Sensitive People Can Manage Anxiety
Everyone experiences some degree of anxiety throughout their day. But sensitivity plays an important role in whether or not one would perceive a situation as anxiety-inducing in the first place. To better understand how anxiety influences our thoughts and behaviors,…
Why, as an HSP, I Don’t Relate to the Word “Empath”
When I first found out I had the HSP Trait I was so relieved. I couldn’t believe how everything just fell into place. So much made sense to me now. Why I dreamed the way I did, why I could smell scents…
Strength, Balance and the Sensitive Male
Sensitive men are so strong. That may sound like a contradiction but not in this case. It takes courage to be yourself when you are a sensitive man. It’s not looked at too kindly when it comes to men. Society…
Tuning Out the World: An HSP’s Case for Guilty Pleasures
Mass shootings and famine, the homeless and war. Natural disasters you cannot ignore. Sexual assault and global warming… These are a few of my least favorite things. Such topics can easily be crammed into a ten-minute news segment, let alone…
Work, Stress, and the Highly Sensitive Person
Are you currently struggling with too much stress at work? Take a few moments to think about all the jobs you have held in the past ten or twenty years. What have been your greatest challenges in all of your…
Our HSP Trait and Close Relationships
An HSP can become an emotional martyr and unknowingly participate in building the bedrock for addiction to suffering. Alternative descriptors that I’ve used to describe the HSP trait is: wide spectrum or large bandwidth. As highly sensitive people we take in…
Projection, Self-Awareness and Highly Sensitives
Utilitarian chairs, an old area rug covering a cement floor, scratched wooden coffee tables, and a beat-up leather couch. Heat and fluorescent lighting. The faint smell of gasoline. A garage. This was where I had my first experience with Projection…
Whole Living as a Highly Sensitive Person
On my forearm arm rests a recently hand-poked tattoo. A mishmash of circles that could appear disjointed when in fact they are based on a very specific and universal formula: the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is one of the most famous formulas in…
Boundaries in the 21st Century
We’ve all heard: ‘My freedom ends where yours begins’ ‘Good fences make for good neighbors’ Advice that sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? On paper, sometimes, yes More accurately, these are increasingly tenets of a bygone era The 21st century is…