An HSP on Emotional Sensitivity
On a scale of one to ten how bad is your pain? One of the many questions an HSP has to answer differently. Emotional pain can be the same way. I experience emotions others may not or on a level…
Why, as an HSP, I Don’t Relate to the Word “Empath”
When I first found out I had the HSP Trait I was so relieved. I couldn’t believe how everything just fell into place. So much made sense to me now. Why I dreamed the way I did, why I could smell scents…
An HSP on Discovering the HSP Trait
In the winter of 2016 something in me was triggered. I demanded within myself, answers, explanations and clarity. Something inside of me pushed me like never before. I spoke out, but from within, asking the Universe for the answers no matter…
Only the Lonely: HSPs and Loneliness
I gazed out the window of the brownstone, wondering how many weekends I had spent alone. At twenty-six, I was living in Baltimore, my third floor apartment looking over trees on what used to be a block of regal homes.…
A Highly Sensitive Man on the Freedom of Self-Acceptance
Last Christmas (sounds like a song) I was sitting in a completely dark living room with my girlfriend. Not because we had no power, or thought it was nicer, but purely out of necessity; I could not bear anything anymore.…
Strength, Balance and the Sensitive Male
Sensitive men are so strong. That may sound like a contradiction but not in this case. It takes courage to be yourself when you are a sensitive man. It’s not looked at too kindly when it comes to men. Society…
The Princess and the Pea: An HSP’s Struggle with Sleep
The Princess and the Pea is a classic children’s fairy tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Anderson. The story tells of a young prince desiring to find a princess to marry. On a dark and stormy night, a wet…
The Twelve Days of Christmas (for Highly Sensitive People)
The holidays can be a wonderful time, and a stressful time for all of us. With all the lights, the decorations, the music, the get-togethers and the food come family, friends, and usually — by the time it’s all over,…
Why Sensitive Men are So Appreciated
HSPs make up about 20% of the population. You would think, with that number, there would be more men who speak up about having this trait. After all, according to current world population statistics there are about 800,000,000 HSMs (Highly…
An HSP on Having the Trait
In my personal research over the past four years I’ve come across many types of HSPs. But the one thing that comes to mind is the HSP who isn’t really fond of their sensitivity. Now, it seems the majority of…