The HSP World Podcast Ep: 20: Highly Sensitives and Creativity Boosters
This podcast is brought to you by the HSP World Mastery Program dedicated to inspiring and empowering HSPs. Thomas: Hi and welcome to the HSP World podcast. I’m your host Thomas. And we usually invite a guest with the HSP…
When Should A Highly Sensitive Share They Have the HSP Trait?
How does a Highly Sensitive know when to share they have the HSP Trait? Who do we share it with? How do we communicate the main points of the HSP Trait? For many Highly Sensitives, these are valid concerns and…
4 Ways Highly Sensitives Can Build Inner Strength
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Just as physical strength plays a crucial role in personality development and character-building, mental strength plays a vital…
6 Ways Highly Sensitives Can Avoid Overstimulation
“I feel like I’m going to scream!” “I feel exhausted.” As a Highly Sensitive, these are some of the things you might have felt or said in the past. Overstimulation is when the input is too much for you to…
Do Highly Sensitives Struggle More With Friendships?
Highly Sensitives can often feel lonely because they may have trouble making friends. There are four reasons HSPs may struggle more with friendships, and they include: High Expectations Weak Boundaries Overthinking Letting Go Let’s look at these more closely and…
The HSP World Podcast Ep. 16: Are We Overthinking Our Intuition?
Thomas: Hi and welcome to The HSP World Podcast. With each episode we invite a guest with the HSP Trait to have a conversation about a burning HSP-related question they have. We’re not coaches or therapists. We’re HSPs holding space…
How Highly Sensitive People Can Respond To Being Told “You’re Too Sensitive”
“Why are you so sensitive?” These words often come from people that do not realize how difficult and uncomfortable it can be to find a response. When a Highly Sensitive Person is told in one way or another to “stop…
The HSP World Podcast Ep. 15: What Are The Biggest Challenges and Solutions for Highly Sensitive Parents?
The HSP World Podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, and Spotify! Thomas: Hi and welcome to the HSP World Podcast. I’m one of your hosts, Thomas and your other hosts are; Robyn: Robyn, Rayne: and Rayne. Thomas: We…
Why Highly Sensitives Dream So Vividly
For Highly Sensitives, our dreams can leave us in deep contemplation, inspired, alarmed, and/or distract us for days. But why do we dream so vividly? The answer lies in our Trait, “…Sensory Processing Sensitivity refers to a greater responsivity to…
The HSP World Podcast Ep. 14: What is Parenting Like for HSPs?
The HSP World Podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, and Spotify! Robyn: Hey HSP World Podcast listeners! In today’s episode you’ll be hearing from a Guest who asked about Parenting as A Highly Sensitive Person. After our…