How Does A Highly Sensitive Person Create Healthy Relationships?
I had to make some very difficult decisions regarding relationships that were unhealthy for me. As someone who had always put others feelings and priorities ahead of my own, I noticed I had a pattern. I’d fallen into the habit…
The HSP World Podcast Ep. 7: How Can Highly Sensitive People Manage Their Energy?
The HSP World Podcast is available in iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, and Spotify! Thomas: Hi and welcome to the HSP world podcast. With each episode, we invite a guest with the HSP Trait to have a conversation about a burning…
The HSP World Podcast Ep. 2: Are HSPs More Slow To Open Up and Show Their Sensitive Side?
We’re happy to announce The HSP World Podcast is now available in iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify! Thomas: Hi and welcome to the HSP world podcast. With each episode, we invite a guest with the HSP trait who has…
An HSP on Shining Our Spirit
I had been standing outside checking a load on one of the flatbed trucks when I first heard the young boys laughter in the distance. It came from the direction of the lone house at the end of the residential…
Navigating Marriage to a Non-HSP
I once got mad at my husband for blowing out a candle too soon. Yes, that’s right, “too soon.” I tend to burn a candle or essential oil almost every day to set the right aroma in the place I…
HSPs and the Question of Family
It’s no secret the concept of “family” continues to evolve. Childless couples are adopting children (which isn’t new), gay couples are adopting children, single people are having a child and some people are choosing not to have children. But where…
Work, Stress, and the Highly Sensitive Person
Are you currently struggling with too much stress at work? Take a few moments to think about all the jobs you have held in the past ten or twenty years. What have been your greatest challenges in all of your…
Highly Sensitives, a Mental Health Diagnosis, Curiosity and Wholistic Healing
Is it PTSD? Or Anxiety? Or Depression? Or could the depression and anxiety be a by-product of the PTSD? These are the questions I’ve been asking myself as I’m learning more about how my HSP Trait works for me and…
Is the Word “Sensitivity” Being Sabotaged?
So I have this cool project I love playing in. My friend, Thomas Beutel, and I began creating and playing in this project about a year or so ago. One of the mini-projects within this project is the HSP World News…
The Power of Our Memories
They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. – Carl W. Buehner If I were to ask you to name a key ingredient that all Highly Sensitive people share, how would you answer…