Want to Boost your Creativity? Try a Dream Practice
Do you ever have one of those Ah-ha! moments when you listen to a podcast? I’d like to share with you one I had recently that led me to a new practice. In a recent SuperSoul conversation with Deepak Chopra,…
On Being Yourself in Competitive Workplaces: Insights from an HSP
Have you ever started out on a career journey with plans of landing at one occupation—only to find out a few years later that you really wanted to be in one that is totally different? This is a common challenge…
On Being A Sensitive Leader
I think the most difficult part about being a life coach is your ethos, your credibility. But not just that, but ethos amongst your peers and people that have known you before your change and transition, as an authority for…
How HSPs Can Use Courage and Creative Self-Expression to Invite Connection
Life’s ups and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want. – Marsha Sinetra Lately, I’ve been having a great time discussing courage,…
Our HSP Trait and Close Relationships
An HSP can become an emotional martyr and unknowingly participate in building the bedrock for addiction to suffering. Alternative descriptors that I’ve used to describe the HSP trait is: wide spectrum or large bandwidth. As highly sensitive people we take in…
What I Ask Myself When I Start a New Creative Project
I’m building a city. With art deco skyscrapers, department stores, busy streets and old-fashioned trolleys darting around, all within a 5-foot by 5-foot space. It’s part of my favorite creative project, a model railroad that I’ve been working on for…
Whole Living as a Highly Sensitive Person
On my forearm arm rests a recently hand-poked tattoo. A mishmash of circles that could appear disjointed when in fact they are based on a very specific and universal formula: the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is one of the most famous formulas in…
Health, Body, Balanced Living and Coping as a Highly Sensitive Person
As an HSP it’s very hard sometimes to find a way to have balanced living, with your body, health, and even psyche. Now, my solution is not really a solution I think it is a way going about things. It’s…
Framing the Right Picture: Recognizing & Refocusing the HSP Self
I am playing poker with my eleven-year-old son. It’s a snow day, and since I work at a local community college, we’re both home from school. There is play money spread out on my grandmother’s table, plastic coins that clink…
Why Reframing is an Important Tool for Highly Sensitives
In this blog post we’re going to dive into the amazing tool available to HSPs, called “Reframing”. We’ll cover; what it is, why it’s beneficial to use this tool, and how to use the tool of Reframing. At the moment…