Work, Stress, and the Highly Sensitive Person
Are you currently struggling with too much stress at work? Take a few moments to think about all the jobs you have held in the past ten or twenty years. What have been your greatest challenges in all of your…
Highly Sensitives, a Mental Health Diagnosis, Curiosity and Wholistic Healing
Is it PTSD? Or Anxiety? Or Depression? Or could the depression and anxiety be a by-product of the PTSD? These are the questions I’ve been asking myself as I’m learning more about how my HSP Trait works for me and…
What Is a Highly Sensitive Person?
A Highly Sensitive Person or HSP, is someone who experiences life on a deeper level. We feel things intensely and can become overwhelmed easily. Our nervous systems are wired differently, more developed than most and the way we react to…
Is the Word “Sensitivity” Being Sabotaged?
So I have this cool project I love playing in. My friend, Thomas Beutel, and I began creating and playing in this project about a year or so ago. One of the mini-projects within this project is the HSP World News…
How I’ve Been Learning to Deal With My Ego as a Highly Sensitive Person
I often feel misunderstood because I’m so sensitive. And honestly, this is true. A lot of people are not as sensitive as I am. The problem with this is once I learned I had the HSP Trait I created an…
A Highly Sensitive Person’s Battle with Depression
I battle clinical depression. I have ever since I was a kid. Lately I’ve discussed this with many other HSPs and found out that a lot of them battle with depression as well. I’m curious if it has anything to…
Tunneling Toward the Light
In Praise of a Difficult Mental Health Day. In one way or another, each of us is seeking the light at the end of the tunnel yet completely ignoring and dismissing the actual role of said dark tunnel. Most people…
Losing Your Stomach — Highly Sensitive People and the Spiritual Path
Early summer means carnival season – homemade food served from pavilions by church folk and firemen, amusement park rides set up in fields, hucksters selling a chance to win a stuffed animal, an inflatable sword, a goldfish, or even a…
Growing Into the HSP Trait
When I was younger things were much harder for me. Like many others I didn’t have any guidance on being an HSP even though at least half of my family are HSPs. I guess that was a time when sensitivity…
How To Create and Organize an HSP Meetup Group
So you’d like to meet other HSPs but there isn’t a local HSP Meetup Group in your area? I found myself in the same position so this is what I did. First, I found it beneficial to think of setting…