The HSP World Podcast Ep. 25: How Do I Find and Hire Highly Sensitives
This podcast is brought to you by the HSP World Mastery Program dedicated to inspiring and empowering HSPs. Thomas: Hi and welcome to The HSP World podcast. With each episode we invite a guest with the HSP Trait to have…
The HSP World Podcast Ep: 22: Highly Sensitives In the Helping Professions
This podcast is brought to you by The HSP World Mastery Program dedicated to inspiring and empowering HSPs. Thomas: Hi and welcome to the HSP World Podcast. With each episode, we invite a guest with the HSP Trait to…
The HSP World Podcast Ep. 13: How Can Highly Sensitives Thrive in the Workplace?
The HSP World Podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, and Spotify! Thomas: Hi, and welcome to the HSP World Podcast. With each episode, we invite a guest with the HSP Trait to have a conversation about a…
Seeing Beneath the Surface
HSP’s are quirky people. We color outside of the lines when it comes to meeting stereotypes and expectations. The difference is because we look beneath the surface and react accordingly. For the Highly Sensitive, awareness is a whole different ball…