An HSP on Emotional Sensitivity
On a scale of one to ten how bad is your pain? One of the many questions an HSP has to answer differently. Emotional pain can be the same way. I experience emotions others may not or on a level…
Strength, Balance and the Sensitive Male
Sensitive men are so strong. That may sound like a contradiction but not in this case. It takes courage to be yourself when you are a sensitive man. It’s not looked at too kindly when it comes to men. Society…
Why Sensitive Men are So Appreciated
HSPs make up about 20% of the population. You would think, with that number, there would be more men who speak up about having this trait. After all, according to current world population statistics there are about 800,000,000 HSMs (Highly…
Resilience and The Art of Getting it Right
My impatience had tripped me up again. Running a bit late for the optometrist, I knew I was going to get a speeding ticket the minute I laid eyes on the police car parked by the hardware store. I hadn’t…
HSPs and the Question of Family
It’s no secret the concept of “family” continues to evolve. Childless couples are adopting children (which isn’t new), gay couples are adopting children, single people are having a child and some people are choosing not to have children. But where…
How I’ve Been Learning to Deal With My Ego as a Highly Sensitive Person
I often feel misunderstood because I’m so sensitive. And honestly, this is true. A lot of people are not as sensitive as I am. The problem with this is once I learned I had the HSP Trait I created an…
Losing Your Stomach — Highly Sensitive People and the Spiritual Path
Early summer means carnival season – homemade food served from pavilions by church folk and firemen, amusement park rides set up in fields, hucksters selling a chance to win a stuffed animal, an inflatable sword, a goldfish, or even a…
Temperature Changes and a Highly Sensitive Person
It’s cold in here. That bothers me like nothing other. I can’t function when it’s cold, a challenge this gift of sensitivity has ever so thoughtfully bestowed upon me. Everywhere I go it’s cold — the restaurant down the road,…
What I Ask Myself When I Start a New Creative Project
I’m building a city. With art deco skyscrapers, department stores, busy streets and old-fashioned trolleys darting around, all within a 5-foot by 5-foot space. It’s part of my favorite creative project, a model railroad that I’ve been working on for…
Projection, Self-Awareness and Highly Sensitives
Utilitarian chairs, an old area rug covering a cement floor, scratched wooden coffee tables, and a beat-up leather couch. Heat and fluorescent lighting. The faint smell of gasoline. A garage. This was where I had my first experience with Projection…