An HSP on Emotional Sensitivity
On a scale of one to ten how bad is your pain?
One of the many questions an HSP has to answer differently.
Emotional pain can be the same way.
I experience emotions others may not or on a level that is above the average intensity than what others believe my emotions “should” be. And explaining that to someone who doesn’t understand the sensitive trait can be difficult and discouraging.
When expressing the way I feel or what I may need, I have to take into account I am more sensitive than the average person, respectfully.
I also have to understand that my sensitivity amplifies my pain and discomfort as well as my joys and happiness.
So when telling someone how I may be feeling, whether it be happy or not, I need to remember they can only understand to a certain degree. And I may be feeling things to a different degree.
This is no one’s fault, it’s just part of the HSP life versus the non HSP life.
When trying to convey the difference in who I am, I am sometimes met with misunderstanding, with an attitude of others thinking I feel superior. That I am somehow better than everyone else due to my sensitive nature.
This is not true at all. I am just different.
I try to express those differences in a way that least disrupts the flow of life, but I can’t deny our differences. Sensitives just experience things more intensely.
It may appear I am being a baby or overreacting but in reality the stimulation I just felt? I felt it intensely and I need to get that out. To express it in a way that will bring a sense of peace to the situation and allow me to move forward.
It’s so important to notice the feeling you’re having.
To acknowledge it and honor it. Accept that you are having this feeling even if it’s uncomfortable.
Once you accept it then you can begin to take action on that feeling.
Maybe taking a brisk walk, doing yoga, writing out your feelings, or even talking to someone about them. Then you can express what you’re feeling in a way that allows for a conversation, so you can get your needs met.
Just like everyone else Sensitives have to get their feelings out.
To let them be as fluid as they can be. To express them and honor them, then let them flow.
This is a healthy way to live life.
Getting those feelings out in the open, taking away their power if they are negative or enhancing their strength if they are positive, is the best way to go about things.
You don’t want to suppress these feelings.
To keep them in, bottled up, is to invite illness or stress and they will wreak havoc in your life.
If you are not able to express and let them flow then you will eventually get sick.
Holding them in doesn’t help anyone. You may think it would be helpful for you to hold on to them, your emotions, to keep them inside where they can’t hurt anyone.
I know that feeling.
But by holding in your emotions you are hurting someone, you are hurting yourself. And when you are not good to yourself then it’s hard to be good to others.
So it’s better to get it out, let it flow. Express it. It may hurt but it will only be for a moment if you let it flow.
Better to feel temporary pain by letting go than to have lasting pain by holding onto something that’s not healthy for you.
Now I’m sure that letting go doesn’t come easy to most. It’s normally not something we are taught. We have to teach ourselves.
To learn that letting go makes way for healing and growth.
So where do you draw the line? Being your own teacher you have to learn not to be biased or show favoritism to your own pain.
Be honest with yourself. Keep things balanced.
Practice every day to learn how to let go of things that may be hurting you and holding you back. That’s causing a negative atmosphere around you and making it harder to stay in a healthy state.
You can take small steps towards releasing those emotions.
You can practice meditation, even if it’s only ten minutes. You can take a walk to organize your thoughts. Have a good cry.
You can use creative outlets to express your feelings such as painting, sketching, pottery, writing poetry and/or stories or baking. Whatever skill helps you to express your emotions.
Another great thing to use is journaling. Journaling helps to release your emotions as well. It gives you a better account of what is happening. It helps you see which direction you should take things.
Baby steps towards releasing your emotions is very healthy.
It’s not necessary to release all at once. If it takes you a little longer that’s fine.
Talking out your emotions, even with just yourself, is a way to get them out. Good exercise will help you be clearheaded when expressing your emotions.
Just small steps you can take towards releasing that emotion are helpful.
What do you find helpful when working with your emotions?